Apeiron - noun
apei·ron | \ əˈpīˌrän, -pā- \
Definition of apeiron
(1) : the unlimited, indeterminate, and indefinite ground, origin, or primal principle of all matter postulated especially by Anaximander
Intelligence - noun
in·tel·li·gence | \ in-ˈte-lə-jən(t)s
Definition of intelligence
(1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations
(2) : the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)
The growing demand for threat intelligence is increasing owing to rise in cyber-crime, threat breaches and growing numbers of sophisticated attacks in leading security conscious sectors. Moreover, the breaches in most of the organizations have a financial or espionage motive which results in disruption of business and has become a major concern for them which is expected to contribute to demand of threat intelligence solutions and services immensely.
Speed of response is one of the crucial success factors. We work tirelessly with you to resolve a wide spectrum of incidents that demand the very best expertise. With our Retainer, you are guaranteed immediate and round-the-clock access to our world-class Intelligence platform and our Incident investigation capability.
The philosophy that “security is everyone’s responsibility” is more than just a sound bite. It has significant implications on the way organizations are structured, how organizations are staffed, and how organizations conduct their day-to-day operations. The overarching objective is to implement a holistic protection strategy that helps ensure mission and business success. There are many great examples of this "holistic" philosophy that rallies organizations around a single vision or focal point and distributes individual responsibilities appropriately among various organizational roles.
We support a number of organizations around the world with their OSINT and Intelligence needs. Ask us how or Let us know if we can help you.
We've been able to do amazing things for our customers, with their help we're able to come up with creative solutions to problems they face every day.
Looking to better understand your threat landscape? Looking to empower your business with actionable information? Move the goal posts and stop bad actors before an incident impacts your business, personal life or reputation